Monday, October 10, 2011

Got to have a patent now

Now this is about two weeks late that I am publishing my idea here, which I believe, must patent before anyone else does. Here is the Idea:

Creationists say that evolution is just a theory. I have got an idea which can crack their this point by a very simple, though, but a strong means. It is somewhat like LR - DI numerical (Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation) in which you have few statements (which you assume to be true) and find a conclusion on the basis of them.

My intuition:
Assume the following statement to be true (for the time being, and I will show you how they are true in the latter part of this post)

1) A change in genetic material may cause a change in phenotype.
2) A change in genetic material may be due to natural forces.

Conclusion: A change in phenotype may be due to natural forces.

Now, if you assume my two statements to be taken as granted to be true, you arrive on the conclusion, which states that phenotype may change naturally. This change in phenotype, in other words, is referred to as variation and accumulation of such large number of variations is known as Evolution which is perfectly true.

Now the only thing left is "How do I know that the statements given are true?" For the answers, let us take these two statements one at a time.

1) A change in genetic material may cause a change in phenotype:

Please pay attention to the term 'MAY'. It says that a change in genetic material may or may not change the phenotype of an organism. Why? Because there is a lot of genetic material out there which acts just as a passive spectator and does nothing productive inside the body. And the same is true for almost all the species of organisms besides human. Still, there are sections on the genetic material (DNA or RNA) which are frequently responsible for the phenotype characters making us the way we are.
Now, it is very evident that the changes in that part of a DNA or RNA which is responsible for some sort of physical characteristics of the organism, will surely affect the phenotype of it, be it an adverse effect or a positive one. PROVED

2)  A change in genetic material may be due to natural forces.

Again the term MAY pops out. So, there has to be some sort of genetic changes that are not natural (artificial or due to human intervention) to support my statement. Of course, there are certain mechanisms by which we humans have altered the DNA sequence or RNA sequence of organisms. That is what 'Genetic Engineering' is all about. But may be all types of genetic changes are artificial. Yeah! may be, provided there are no examples where genetic material changed even if we did not want it to happen. But alas! We have ample such evidences where it happened. So, obviously, there can be a natural change in genetic material without human intervention, for example, mutation. PROVED. (Please study mutation in depth if you are not yet convinced. There might be some faulty concepts you must have built.)

Now, once we are at a stage where we can proudly say that our statements are true without any faulty assumption. Once it is so, on the basis of mathematical reasoning, we may come to the very simple conclusion of:

Conclusion: A change in phenotype may be due to natural forces.

To be noted, that I say, it MAY happen, not that it is always going to happen, all the time. So, there exists a probability, no matter how low be its value, it is never zero, and never 1. But chances are always there that an organism may change to another form,without a prior notice. It doesn't matter how small that change be (or how large, as well) which is known as variation. Variations may be somatic (that do not pass on to next generation), or germinal (that pass on to next generation). As we are talking about genetic changes, the variations we will encounter here, are highly likely to pass on to their offspring (again, it is highly likely, not always. Why? Study meiosis and crossing over in depth). But since, we made through, to prove that variations also occur naturally, we are almost there to prove that evolution is a very simple and natural process, a result of the two statements I gave in the beginning, whatever be the factors.

You see, the term MAY is always with us. And this MAY is the reason why it took so long to evolve species in geological time period. Otherwise, the amount of evolution of millions of years could have happened in just a matter of days or even hours provided there is an infinite source of resources, and infinite sink for the dead and waste (and a very fast rate of reproduction as well). But as we know, that this ideal condition could not be prepared on the limited space of earth (also consider plants to consume space and resources, not only animals), there has to be a competition for the one with best 'features to adapt' to survive, and the weaker ones are eliminated. This was what Darwin said as the 'survival of the fittest'. Hence, the theory of evolution is a highly logical, and even mathematically provable science. PROVED.

I have filled up the form for the patent of my this idea of 'statement-conclusion' method to justify evolution. By the time, I have published it here on my blog. Though I did not know that even ideas might be given a patent, yesterday I came across Kalam Cosmological Argument, and it struck me 'O my! (I don't believe in GOD, so, have to edit the phrases in accordance), I can also get my hypothesis patent, if this foolish hypothesis maker can.

Thanks for reading so far and tolerating me. Enjoy the life without the fear of god.

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