Friday, December 2, 2011

My top 7 'emotional-science' examples

"A person understanding the real essence of science can never be a poet, until and unless, he/she comes to an imaginary world." - Grewal's Law

Well, this statement does makes sense. I'll give you some examples here which demonstrate how human have influenced his own thinking by misinterpretations of the happenings in nature. What is present in actual remains unknown to man until he studies science, and his world remains an imaginary one. It might be beneficial in some sense, like emotional support etc., but in most cases, it is rather diverting and lays a negative impression, sometimes even harmful for humanity.

Here I present my top 7 examples to show why a person can not be a scientist as well a poet simultaneously. In all the following images, the left portion shows how we interpret things, whereas the right portion shows how it actually exists.

1) Eyes like a lady-deer? Poetic! But what the truth is something very deep. In my view, there doesn't exist anything like a beautiful eye. The eyes of both, a newly born child, and an old man with glucoma are analysed in a similar fashion by an optician, but not by someone who has never seen an eye surgery. It seems hurting to them when they see a cornea being cut during an eye transplant.

A Hindu idol never breaks, it undergoes a Bhang (भंग). Why after all? Because it is god. Wow! What was it when it was being carved in a shop? Or when the coloring wasn't complete? Was it not god at that point of time while it was being sold? No, it was just a piece of rock. Oh do the hell with this idol worship.

3) I appreciate patriotism. I myself am a patriot. But you know what? It's just a feel. Does air has a patriotism? Or Peacocks? Or snakes? Indeed there exist a theme in biology named as 'Niche', and division of land is a natural fact among selfish genes. But also don't forget that a flag is just made up of a fabric. What makes it special to us is just a feel, not science. Science has no country. What law of gravity is being followed in India is also applicable in Pakistan. A real essence of being human lies in "सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः"

4) Oh, you wake up early in the morning. But your child doesn't, though it is a good habit. Tell him a story that Sun is a god and praying him early in the morning will cause him favor. This trick may work, but eventually you will throw your child under wrong concepts, making him forgetting nuclear fusion and believe only in god. Your motive is noble, but method is not. If you really desire the child to progress, make him understand the sun as a star as well as tell him the profits of getting early. Else, one day he will wake up, pray to god, and go back to bed. You don't want that.. Do you?

5) Representing heart as the center of emotions is an age old process. Falling in love causes brain to ask adrenaline to be released, increasing anxiety, dilating iris, increasing blood sugar, and neither last, nor the least increasing heartbeat rate. What you can feel is only heart beating faster. And our ancestors believed that it is the heart only that makes you fall in love. But you know very well that heart is nothing except a pumping machine. Next time, include brain in your poems, not heart. It has nothing to do with love.

6) Soothing light, applications of colors in disco party, light at the heart and what not. Great is the light. But saying phrases like 'the enlightened heart' doesn't make sense at all. One reason is as explained above (point 5), heart has nothing to do with knowledge or character. Another obvious reason is, that heart remains in dark from the time of its formation, till the time of your death, provided, you don't cut out the chest and show it to the literal light. Don't forget, light is just another EM wave, an energy in transit. Indeed, the first person saying "Buddha, the enlightened one" must have been a poet by nature :).

7) And finally, the most important one - RELIGION. What difference do you see among two new born infants lying on the same bed, wrapped in hospital cloths, but one being Hindu by birth, another being Muslim? Different breeds? Indeed irrelevant discussion by rational men, but if still you don't like things dissimilar to you (here a person from another religion), why don't you go and kill your domestic buffalo or your pet dog (an animal of another species)? Stupid and most dumb assholes think on the issues like religion and castes. Science will treat both babies as just another mammal with a notochord at some point of their life. So does a scientist. An african doctor will never mind operating upon a racist american for his appendicitis, following the Hippocratic oath.

So here were my top 7 examples to show why 'fiction literature' writer is different from a 'science book' author. I know that the examples could have been even better. But only these few examples struck my mind at this point of time. Hope, I transmitted the message I wanted to convey.


There doesn't exist anything like ABSOLUTE MORALITY in actual practice. (Why? To be explained in my next post)
-Grewal's law

Monday, October 31, 2011

Analogy paradox

I have come across many analogies since my higher classes. And I often wonder how easily people get entrapped in them even if the analogy is based on false assumptions, very close to 'Reductio ad Hitlerum'.

People use arguments to prove their point which are not really arguments but are kind of provocations. The analogy thus provided seems to be connected to the original point but in fact they have no connection. Examples of it can be as follows:

(Click on image for enlarged and clear image)
1) Quadrilateral analogy: In OOP (Object oriented programming), we have something called inheritance. Something that exhibit properties of something else need not be defined explicitly as it may inherit it from the other object. Like the properties of a lion is that of a Felis and all animals belonging to Felis are also mammals. Now if once the properties of Felis is defined to "mammals that are cat like", then all animals coming under the category of Felis will exhibiting the features of "mammals that are cat like" be it a panther or tiger or lion. The features of mammals are again to be defined explicitly as "Chordates who breast feed their offsprings". So, obviously, while stating the definition of Felis (mammals that are cat like), it is very clear that all felis are also mammals and they are "chordates who breast feed their offsprings". It need not be defined again. Also, primates may be defined as "mammals that are monkey like". And Gorilla then to be defined as a particular type of Primate means that it is also a mammal besides being a primate. So, all the features of Primate and a Felis in common are that of a mammal. The properties defined in 'mammals' are applied to both Gorilla ans Lion automatically when they inherit the properties from higher classes (here higher means more general i.e. Mammals is a general class, Vertebrates is a more specific and higher class, Chordates is even higher class and being an animal or even being a living being is even general term making it a higher class).

Same way, we have Polygons. The specific ones have certain features but also showing the features of more general ones, of which they are a part of.

a) Suppose we have a class in Java with signature 'geometricfigures'. Now I will define many kinds of objects under it like an ellipse1, ellipse2, circle1 etc.

b) Now I define another class 'polygons'. It will inherit all the features of a geometricfigures. Its objects may be like triangle1 etc. (Note that I could also have defined some figures like triangle2, square5 etc, but in that way, I could not say that triangle2  or square5 is a polygon. So it's better define them here. Still, I will ommit Square5 in this step as I know that I am going to make more specif classes).

c) Define a class 'quadrilateral'. Inherit properties from Polygons. Make specifications that Quadrilaterals have four sides. (This does not mean that quadrilateral has four vertices. As there are certain quadrilaterals which have four sides but 5 vertices (remember convex and concave?). You need to specifically define that It also has 4 vertices. Now the definition of our class 'Quadrilateral' becomes 'a polygon with 4 sides and 4 vertices'. Remember this definition is different than the real mathematical definition. As it is our program, we have our own definition of Quadrilateral. No problem. (But from now on we will stick to the mathematical definitions. I just wanted to omit the cases of confusions arising due to Covex and Concave Quadrilaterals etc).

d) Define a class 'parallelogram'. Inherit its some features from quadrilateral. Now specify other properties like 'opposite sides are parallel'. (This does not need to specify that opposite sides are also equal. That property is obvious, as no quadrilateral can exist where opposite sites are parallel but not equal. So, this property is an unwanted property which has stuck up even though we did not define it.)

e) Define class 'rectangle'. Definition will be 'a parallelogram' which has all angles equal to π/2. So, here we are with rectangles, also with features of polygon although we did not define it to have properties. Also note that properties of a rectangle like 'diagonals bisect each other' are not defined. They are stuck up with rectangle automatically.

f) Define class 'kite' under Quadrilateral (being 'under' means inheriting property from quadrilaterals). Specification other than being a quadrilateral will be 2 distinct pairs of adjacent sides being equal. So, diagonals bisecting at angle π/2 or angles between unequal sides being equal are obvious properties.

g) Define class 'rhombus' under kite as 'a kite with all sides equal.

h) Also define certain bojects like 'trapezium' and 'irregulars' under 'quadrilateral'.

Till now all we have is multilevel inheritance like
'geometricfigure' --> 'quadrilateral' --> 'parallelogram' --> 'rectangle'
'geometricfigure' --> quadrilateral' --> 'kite' --> 'rhombus'

i) Now I am going to define a class 'square' with no specific properties. All I am going to do is make it inherit its properties from rectangle and rhombus. So the definition of square will be 'a rectangle which is a rhombus' or 'a rhombus which is a rectangle'. This is an example of a multiple inheritance where One single class in inheriting properties from more than one class. Hence statements like this are meaningless (this reference is on Oct 31, 2011 if someone edits this definition in future for this Wikipedia article).

Click on image to view it clearly.
In the image above, the Red rectangles represent classes ehereas black, blue, violet and brown are objects. The light blue lines represent a flow of inheritances and grey lines represent another inheritance. With each advancing level, we define new properties with previous being intact. But in square, it was sufficient to just inherit properties from rectangle and rhombus as stated earlier.

Now comes the concept of analogy. Suppose, I provide a statement 'As diagonals of a kite bisect each other perpendicularly, the diagonals of a rectangle should also bisect each other perpendicularly because both are quadrilaterals afterall' does it sounds like a correct statement? Someone without the knowledge of figures and clear concept would fall for such an astonishing and lovely statement with lots of tech-jargon. But it is a pseudo-science. Though it seems to have a logical connection, in actual, there is none. Even if I give an example of an object, say square1 is a kite (as its adjacent sides are equal), its diagonals bisect at 90 degrees, now I also have proof to support my statement, but in actual, I will be neglecting the basics of classification.

Such an analogy is based on classic fallacy. In my view, the analogy is valid only if and only if (iff)
(i) the base of the two analogous facts is common (like being a quadrilateral is common in kite and rectangle)
(ii) and the analogy is limited to that common fact only (like limited to the properties of quadrilateral only)
no matter how many evidences you provided in support.

In the statement above, we followed the first rule of analogy perfectly, but we neglected the second one. And it made the statement an unreliable one. Even though it is possible that the given statement is true in all senses, but it might be due to some other facts, instead of the given analogy, as for an analogy to be valid, it has to be reliable in general sense, not in specific examples. Being true 'in particular' does not guarantee of being true 'in general' until and unless we do not deduce it mathematically.

2) Life after death and Evolution: It is also a classic example of 'Reductio ad Hitlerum' (though never heard from anyone else, its my view).  This argument is very common given by creationists against the theory of evolution. The truth is, that there is no link between the life after death experiences and the theory of evolution. Claim is that life after death proves the existence of god which further proves that 'if god exists, evolution can't exist'. Well this is not a meaningful statement at all as evolution has nothing to do with god. No where it points out that god does not exist or something like that. In fact, it is a very simple theory, easy to understand, but made too complex by creationists as they believe that accepting this theory will affect their religious faiths. If such people choose to live on faith rather than truth, that's their will. It doesn't change the fact that evolution is true and it has nothing to do with life after death experiences. Violation of my first rule. So invalidated analogy (in fact it is not an analogy at all, I believe).

3) Origin of life and big bang: A common question arises that where did we come from? That question is answered by biologists as 'your parents'. Where from they came? Well! their parents... and so on, back to millions of years, we reach the point that initially there must have been some some initial human. Where from did he come? Obviously, if you have not studied science (or if you are a kindergarten student), your answer will be 'Umm, someone must have made a human first. We don't know how he (or she) made him (her), or when did she (or he) made her (him) or anything else. So let's just assume his/her name is A and her/his partner be B (not respectively). Let the creator be C. Though, it doesn't look like fancy, lets rename A as Adam, B as Eve and C as God. Ahh!! That's nice.

But on reliance with evolutionary theory, it can be easily convinced that there was no first human as becoming a human was not an event. It was series of development. Something like asking 'who was the first engineer in the world' is an illogical question as being an engineer depends on the definition of what you call and engineer. Be it the inventors of plane, right brothers or before him Leonardo da Vinci or Galileo or aristotle. So, being human is not a specific question which include a set of properties and Voila, we get a human.

Now back to point. So, once you determine that humans came from evolutionary process, question comes in "where from did they come", and answer is even earlier animals. And so the question reverts back "where from did the first living being come?". Now the question has converted to 'What is the origin of life?' and it is no more the question of 'Evolutionary theory'. You have gradually shifted the focus from 'first human' to 'origin of life'. Still, the answer is there. Now, the question comes 'Ok, living beings came from so and so process from primordial soup. But where from did that soup come from?' And the answer goes back and back and finally reaches the Big bang.
Question: "Where from Big bang happen"
Answer: "We don't know"
Questioner: "Gotcha! You don't know what caused big bang. So, first humans were Adam and Eve. Hence proved"

Isn't that nonsense that if one can't prove Big-bang, you will deduce the first human to be Adam and Eve? The truth is, that there is no connection between the Theory of Evolution and the Big-Bang theory. But as the rejection of both of these theories support the religious scriptures written just few thousands years old, so you are denying the claim of them being true, just to keep your skin safe. Violation of my second rule (first rule accepted as existence of present human form is common, if pointed out, else even first rule is also violated) because what is common is not pointed out.

That's all human has ever done in past, to keep his (or her) own skin safe, even if it is on the cost of truth. Don't misuse analogies. They are not to confirm. They are just to compare. So, never compare a laptop with an apple. It doesn't make sense. Use analogies wisely.

Stop accepting, start thinking.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Got to have a patent now

Now this is about two weeks late that I am publishing my idea here, which I believe, must patent before anyone else does. Here is the Idea:

Creationists say that evolution is just a theory. I have got an idea which can crack their this point by a very simple, though, but a strong means. It is somewhat like LR - DI numerical (Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation) in which you have few statements (which you assume to be true) and find a conclusion on the basis of them.

My intuition:
Assume the following statement to be true (for the time being, and I will show you how they are true in the latter part of this post)

1) A change in genetic material may cause a change in phenotype.
2) A change in genetic material may be due to natural forces.

Conclusion: A change in phenotype may be due to natural forces.

Now, if you assume my two statements to be taken as granted to be true, you arrive on the conclusion, which states that phenotype may change naturally. This change in phenotype, in other words, is referred to as variation and accumulation of such large number of variations is known as Evolution which is perfectly true.

Now the only thing left is "How do I know that the statements given are true?" For the answers, let us take these two statements one at a time.

1) A change in genetic material may cause a change in phenotype:

Please pay attention to the term 'MAY'. It says that a change in genetic material may or may not change the phenotype of an organism. Why? Because there is a lot of genetic material out there which acts just as a passive spectator and does nothing productive inside the body. And the same is true for almost all the species of organisms besides human. Still, there are sections on the genetic material (DNA or RNA) which are frequently responsible for the phenotype characters making us the way we are.
Now, it is very evident that the changes in that part of a DNA or RNA which is responsible for some sort of physical characteristics of the organism, will surely affect the phenotype of it, be it an adverse effect or a positive one. PROVED

2)  A change in genetic material may be due to natural forces.

Again the term MAY pops out. So, there has to be some sort of genetic changes that are not natural (artificial or due to human intervention) to support my statement. Of course, there are certain mechanisms by which we humans have altered the DNA sequence or RNA sequence of organisms. That is what 'Genetic Engineering' is all about. But may be all types of genetic changes are artificial. Yeah! may be, provided there are no examples where genetic material changed even if we did not want it to happen. But alas! We have ample such evidences where it happened. So, obviously, there can be a natural change in genetic material without human intervention, for example, mutation. PROVED. (Please study mutation in depth if you are not yet convinced. There might be some faulty concepts you must have built.)

Now, once we are at a stage where we can proudly say that our statements are true without any faulty assumption. Once it is so, on the basis of mathematical reasoning, we may come to the very simple conclusion of:

Conclusion: A change in phenotype may be due to natural forces.

To be noted, that I say, it MAY happen, not that it is always going to happen, all the time. So, there exists a probability, no matter how low be its value, it is never zero, and never 1. But chances are always there that an organism may change to another form,without a prior notice. It doesn't matter how small that change be (or how large, as well) which is known as variation. Variations may be somatic (that do not pass on to next generation), or germinal (that pass on to next generation). As we are talking about genetic changes, the variations we will encounter here, are highly likely to pass on to their offspring (again, it is highly likely, not always. Why? Study meiosis and crossing over in depth). But since, we made through, to prove that variations also occur naturally, we are almost there to prove that evolution is a very simple and natural process, a result of the two statements I gave in the beginning, whatever be the factors.

You see, the term MAY is always with us. And this MAY is the reason why it took so long to evolve species in geological time period. Otherwise, the amount of evolution of millions of years could have happened in just a matter of days or even hours provided there is an infinite source of resources, and infinite sink for the dead and waste (and a very fast rate of reproduction as well). But as we know, that this ideal condition could not be prepared on the limited space of earth (also consider plants to consume space and resources, not only animals), there has to be a competition for the one with best 'features to adapt' to survive, and the weaker ones are eliminated. This was what Darwin said as the 'survival of the fittest'. Hence, the theory of evolution is a highly logical, and even mathematically provable science. PROVED.

I have filled up the form for the patent of my this idea of 'statement-conclusion' method to justify evolution. By the time, I have published it here on my blog. Though I did not know that even ideas might be given a patent, yesterday I came across Kalam Cosmological Argument, and it struck me 'O my! (I don't believe in GOD, so, have to edit the phrases in accordance), I can also get my hypothesis patent, if this foolish hypothesis maker can.

Thanks for reading so far and tolerating me. Enjoy the life without the fear of god.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Zensar में क्या हुआ...

17 सितम्बर को College Placements के चलते, PO ने मुझे, सारस्वत को और पूनिया को बताया कि Zensar का Pool Campus मराठावाड़ा मित्रमंडल कॉलेज में है| अब चूंकि कोई भी जाने के लिए इच्छुक नहीं था, PO ने मन ही मन सोच लिया कि कंपनी को फोन कर के बोल देगा कि कोई नहीं आ रहा| मेरे और सारस्वत के आग्रह पर एक सुझाव उसके दिमाग में घुस गया कि कंपनी cancel करने से बेहतर है कि कुछ गिने चुने students चले जायें पर वो गिनी ना जाये| पूनिया और सारस्वत का जाना तय हो गया| मुझे अगले दिन कॉलेज में ही रुकने को कहा गया ताकि Druva और PSPL से सम्बंधित कुछ मसलों में छात्र / छात्राओं की सूची तैयार कर सकूँ|

बाहर आये| हमारे पास उन सबके नाम थे जिन्हें जाने के लिए हमें एक बार पूछना था (आखिर जाना तो था ही नहीं किसी को)| आरुषी मिली तो बोली "यार compulsary है क्या?"| "नहीं, पर चले जाओ तो घटा क्या है?" हमारा जवाब था| अंततः बात ये रही कि कुल मिलाकर चार लोग final हुए जो अगले दिन सुबह सुबह कूच करने वाले थे| जिनमें इन दो के अलावा नंदू (नांदल) और निंजा (दीपक) थे| वो भी सिर्फ feel लेने के लिए जा रहे थे| कोई खास intentions तो थी ही नहीं|

18 Sept: सुबह सुबह नंदू ने मेरे कमरे का दरवाज़ा पीट-पीट के जगा दिया| सीधे सपाट शब्द थे "तू चल रहा है"|
"फिर यहाँ मेरा काम कौन संभालेगा?"
"चुंडी है| कर लेगा| चुपचाप चल| कोई तो PR होना चाहिए"|
और यही बात सारस्वत ने कही "ओए गाँधी, तू चल रहा है"| तभी तरुण सारस्वत के कमरे पे आ के बता गया कि पूनिया नहीं जा रहा| वो सो रहा है| सात बजे तक हम चार निकल लिए| वाड़ी पहुँचे तो पूनिया का फोन आया कि हम कहाँ हैं? वो पीछे पीछे आ रहा था|

MMCOE पहुँचे| एक तो कंपनी के लाख नखरे| ये भी चाहिए, वो भी चाहिए| हर फरमाईश उनकी पूरी करो| कोई backlog न हो, जावा के अलावा हज़ार languages और आती हों| चार-चार rounds| और धन? मात्र 3 लाख| ये AIT से उठाने वाली सबसे कम package वाली कंपनी थी| कोई क्यों जाएगा? सारस्वत और पूनिया का तो सीधा दूसरा round था| नंदू और निंजा ऊपर चले गए पहला round देने (अनमने)| अब यहाँ से शुरू हुआ बदलाव|

पूनिया और सारस्वत का GD होना था| पूनिया ने मुझसे कहा कि उसकी जगह GD में मैं बैठ जाऊँ| अब चूंकि पूनिया की पहले से तीन-तीन placements हो चुकी हैं और ये उसकी चौथी होने वाली थी, हम पकडे भी गए तो पूनिया को दिक्कत नहीं होती| वैसे भी कौन पूछता है| मैंने कहा "अगर clear हो गया तो अगला round Technical Interview है| वो मेरे बस का नहीं है| वहाँ क्या करूँगा?"
"एबे काट के आ जाना" (वो ऐसे ही बोलता है)| पूनिया को बहुत अच्छी तरह से पता था कि GD में उसका कटेगा| उसके आग्रह पे मैंने थोडा सोचा, पर मजाक के मूड में|

सारस्वत तो chill था| मुझे भी अभी तक sure नहीं था कि उसकी जगह वाकई बैठूँगा या नहीं| मैं ComViva की T-Shirt पहने हुए, लग ही नहीं रहा था कि candidate हूँ| Lappy पे pacman खेल रहा था| तभी कंपनी वाले बंदे आये|
"आप candidate हैं?"
"अ.अ..अ.. हाँ!!" दबी दबी आवाज़ में मैंने हाँ भर दी क्योंकि अभी तक मुझे लगा कि पूनिया की जगह बैठना शायद सिर्फ मजाक था| अगर पक्का हो जाता तो बहुत यकीन के साथ हाँ भरता|
"नहीं, मुझे लगा कि ना तो आप uniform में हैं, और ऊपर से game भी खेल रहे हैं (बाकि candidates किताब चाटने में लगे हुए थे)| खैर जल्दी से फलां-फलां रूम में पहुँच जाओ| अब तो उन्होंने मेरी शकल भी देख ली| दो अलग अलग पैनल में GD चला दिया| अब मैंने पूनिया के साथ अपना I-Card बदल लिया| उसकी DOB और उसके पापा का नाम हाथ पे लिख लिया और याद कर लिया| मैं (यानि अब पंकज पूनिया) और सारस्वत एक साथ ही थे| हमें मिला कर हमारे पैनल में 10 लोग थे (6 लड़कियाँ, 4 लड़के)| शुरू होने से पहले सारस्वत अपने साथ बैठी लड़की से बात करने लग गया| बंदी का नाम था 'केतकी'| (Senti part started)| बंदी की शायद ये dream company थी जिसे हम इतना त्यज समझ रहे थे| उनके कॉलेज में 4-5 तो कंपनी कुल आती हैं| और वही इतने कम बच्चे ले जाती हैं| यहाँ उसे आस जगी थी कि आज उसका हो जाएगा| बंदी मासूम सी, प्यारी थी| शायद अपने भाई का दिल डोल गया हो उस पे| बंदी ने पहले कभी GD किया नहीं था| डरी डरी भी लग रही थी| हम दोनों ने उसका हौसला बढ़ाया और कुछ समर्थन भी दिया|

खैर, सारस्वत और मैंने एक stand लिया| 20 लोगों में से 6 का GD clear हुआ और उसमें मैं, सारस्वत और केतकी, तीनों थे| और तो और, मेरा और सारस्वत का नाम list में top था| बाहर आये तो PO की फटी पड़ी| इतना डरा हुआ कि हाय ये क्या हो गया| नाम बदल के कैसे बैठ गया? उसे शांत किया| फिर भी उसने अपना पल्लू झाड लिया कि "पकडे गए तो मैं ज़िम्मेदार नहीं हूँ, हाँ?"

और यहाँ मुझे पूनिया का चरित्र भी खराब लगा| उसका PO को ये बोलना, कि नितिन को GD की आदत नहीं है, इसलिए वो सिर्फ practice करने के लिए अंदर बैठा है, उसे तो साफ़ बचा ले गया, पर सारा इलज़ाम मुझ पर दाल दिया as if मैंने कहा हो कि "पूनिया, please तेरी जगह मुझे बैठने दे यार"| फिर भी मैंने और सारस्वत ने PO को शांत कर लिया|

"अरे chill...!!"
निंजा से मैंने college uniform shirt और tie ली, जो काफी दिक्कत से पहनी| ऊपर से उसका वो छोटा सा कोट भी फसा लिया|

अब क्या? Technical तो कुछ आता नहीं| खैर, काट के ही आना था| पूनिया की चार-चार placements की किसे पड़ी थी| और वैसे भी अपने भाई के लिए भी तो अपना कटाना था| उस बंदी को भी बोल दिया कि तू chill मार, मैं अपना काटने वाला हूँ| मुझे नहीं लेनी (पर ये नहीं बताया कि मैं पंकज नहीं, नितिन हूँ)| वो शुक्रगुजार थी| सिर्फ दो पायदान दूर थी वो मंजिल के| वहाँ बाकी के 3 और भी Unplaced थे| असल में तो हम छः के छः unplaced थे| पर उनकी नज़र में मेरी और सारस्वत की पहले से placement हो रखी है| सारस्वत भी अब तक वैसे कोई खास मूड में नहीं था, पर अब जब यहाँ तक आ ही गए तो उसने हल्का सा संजीदा होने की कोशिश की| सारस्वत को छोड़ कर सभी के चेहरे के आव-भाव ऐसे उड़े-उड़े| चेहरे पीले पड़े थे| डर के मारे पागल और किताबों में घुसे हुए कि ना जाने क्या पूछ लेंगे| सारस्वत को तो वो बंदी इतनी प्यारी लग गयी कि क्या बताऊ!

चौथे नंबर पे केतकी अंदर गयी| कोई आधा घटा उसने साक्षात्कार दिया, फिर सारस्वत अंदर चला गया| आधा घंटा उसने दिया| हँसता हँसता गया था, हँसता हँसता ही बाहर आया| आ के बोला "यार मैं तो हँसे जा रहा था| वो बोले, सचिन हँसो मत| पर हंसी रुके ना|"

अब मेरी बारी थी| तभी उन्होंने lunch-time lunch-time के नारे लगा दिए| Lunch के बाद आये| अब तक नंदू और निंजा वहाँ से चले गए थे और AIT आ गए| मैं अब कमरे में घुसने लगा तो उनकी HR दरवाज़े पर ही थी| बोली "Resume दो|"
"वो तो नहीं है|"
"Resume नहीं है तो आप .... अ.. ये कैसे? आप prepared नहीं थे?"
"लाया था, pen-drive में, pen-drive खो गयी|"
"कहीं online पड़ा हो तो बोलो, मैं अपने data card से निकाल लूँगी|"
"नहीं, नहीं है|"
"Hostel में दोस्तों से मंगवा लो, e-mail"
"वहाँ बिजली नहीं है| दिन में काट देते हैं| ताकि सब सोते ना रहे और class जाएँ|"
"फिर कैसे करोगे?"
"मैं HR से पहले ले आऊँगा" और मैंने एक smile दे दी|

अंदर क्या पेल के आया मैं| आधे से ज्यादा उत्तर सीधे-सीधे बोले "मैंने ऐसा तो कभी सुना ही नहीं, ये तो कभी पढ़ा ही नहीं, ये आता नहीं, ये याद नहीं"| जाते ही बोल दिया था कि C के अलावा कोई language नहीं आती, OOP अभी पढनी शुरू की है| SQL नहीं आती, querries नहीं आती, Java नहीं आती, DBMS के थोड़े थोड़े funde पता हैं|
वो कुछ पूछे तो बता दूं| जब गहराई में जाए तो बोल दूं कि यहीं तक आता है "Definitions पता हैं सर, details में नहीं पता"| Concept बनवा लो कितना ही| जो जवाब दिए, वो chill-type informal तरीके से concept समझा के आ गया कि "पहले ऐसे होता है, बाद में ऐसे, फिर ऐसे"| और भीतर घुसने लगा तो बोल दिया "अभी-अभी तो पढ़ना शुरू किया है सर| इतना ही आता है| अंत में उसने मुझे कुछ पोछने के लिए आमंत्रित किया| तो मैंने कहा कि एक गुजारिश है "AIT काफी दूर है| अगर मैं HR के लिए select हो जाता हूँ, तो कृपा कर के हमारा HR जल्दी करवा देना| ताकि मैं घर-जाकर आराम कर सकूँ| आलिया, बात ये थी कि अपना कटाने के पूरे-पूरे आसार कर आया मैं|

अब कॉलेज के पास एक नजदीकी दूकान से Resume बनाने चल दिए| बना ही रहे थे| तभी सारस्वत का फोन आया कि जल्दी आ, clear हो गया है| मैं पंहुचा तो पता चला कि सारस्वत का नहीं हुआ| मुझे दुःख तो काफी हुआ, पर दुःख से ज्यादा अचम्भा हुआ कि मेरा हो कैसे गया? और अगर मेरा हो गया तो यकीनन सारस्वत मुझसे बेहतर था| उसका तो 200% होना चाहिए था| मन तो सारस्वत का भी दुख होगा, पर उस जैसा sporty बन्दा नहीं देखा| बात को chill लिया, आराम से स्वीकार किया| स्वयं का आंकलन किया और आराम से शांत और ठन्डे दिमाग से अब माहौल का मज़ा लेने लगा| मेरा HR हुआ, मैं बाहर आया और अब सारस्वत ने बताया कि जब मैं resume लेने गया हुआ था, और जब result बताने वाली ने केतकी को कहा कि "sorry, आपका नहीं हुआ", वो बहुत मायूस हो गयी थी| सारस्वत से उसका चेहरा देखा नहीं गया| और ये सुन कर पत्थर तो मेरे ऊपर भी पड़ गए| बहुत सपने सजा के आई थी वो| और मैं और सारस्वत तो वैसे भी कुछ हद तक सिर्फ मज़े करने गए थे, पर उसके तो career का सवाल था| ऐसा लग रहा था मानो पाप हो गया हो मुझ से| और शायद उतना ही दुःख सारस्वत को भी था, शायद उस से ज्यादा| मगर पूनिया ने दुखी होने का दिखावा किया, जब कि मन ही मन वो खुश था कि चौथी नौकरी मिल गयी, ये बात मैं भी समझ गया था और सारस्वत भी|

सारस्वत ने वैसे flirty nature होने की वजह से केतकी का फोन नंबर उसके resume में देख कर याद कर लिया था| और अब उसने उसे मिला दिया| मिला के मुझे देने लगा कि मैं कम से कम माफ़ी तो मांग लू| आखिर जो बन्दा घंटे भर से चिल्ला रहा था कि काट के आऊँगा, उसी का हो गया| और ये केतकी ने मुझे भी बोल दिया कि तुम बहुत तेज हो, देख लेना, लेकर ही आओगे| पर मारे हया के, मैं फोन को हाथ भी नहीं लगा पाया| उसको तो मेरा असली नाम तक नहीं मालूम| मुझे अभी तक पंकज समझती थी| तभी जब फोन दूसरी तरफ से उठ गया, सचिन (सारस्वत) ने बात कर ली जैसे वो पंकज बोल रहा है| माफ़ी मांगी कि गलती से हो गया, तो बंदी ने "its OK" बोल के फोन काट दिया|

अब लड़की के पास बेशक नंबर सचिन का गया, पर लगा तो यही कि पंकज (यानी मैं) ने फोन नंबर भी चुरा लिया? नाम बेशक किसी पंकज का हो, उसके मन में शक्ल-ओ-सूरत तो मेरी थी| यानी हर तरफ से एक मैं (उसकी नज़र में पंकज) एक निहायत ही बुरा लड़का साबित हो गया| और जब ये ख़याल दिमाग में आया, तभी से सारस्वत तो हँसे जा रहा था| हंसी तो खैर मुझे भी आ रही थी कि बुर फंसे मियाँ, पर दुःख हम दोनों को था| और पूनिया अब भी नकली चेहरा ले के चल रहा था जो साफ़ पता चल जाता है कि अभिनय के अलावा कुछ नहीं है|

उस बंदी को कोई कैसे बताए कि जो लड़का आखिर तक गया है, वो तो खुद अभी तक unplaced है| वो भला किसी का कैसे काटेगा जो खुद की बिगड़ी नहीं बना पाया| जिसके लिए बैठा, उसकी चार-चार placements हो गयी| पर जो दो लड़के वहाँ उसके साथ GD दे रहे थे, वो दोनों भी उसी हालत में हैं, जिस हालत में वो लड़की है|

खैर, चार कंपनी में भी चयनित हो जाने के बाद भी पूनिया की भूख अभी तक मिटी नहीं है और वो और अधिक मौके तलाश कर रहा है| जबकि मैंने और सारस्वत ने आपस में ये निश्चय कर लिया था कि वो लड़की हमारी कोई नहीं लगती, हमारी खुद की भी अभी तक placement नहीं हुयी, पर जहाँ तक संभव हो सकेगा, हम उस लड़की की placement कराने के लिए जी-जान लगा देंगे| और इस के पीछे कोई senti होना या अन्य ऐसी कोई वजह नहीं थी| वजह थी उस लड़की की आखों में टूटते हुए सपने जिन्हें सचिन ने अपनी आखों से देखा था, और मैंने दिल से महसूस किया था|

Thursday, June 9, 2011

नए निश्चय, नया जीवन, नए निर्णय

मनुष्य के जीवन में अनेकों घटनाएं आघात बन कर आती हैं| सबसे बड़ा आघात होता है अपनों के ही द्वारा कटु शब्दों का प्रहार व स्वयं केही मित्रों द्वारा आलोचना| परन्तु देखा जाए तो एक मायने में वही मनुष्य के लिए सबसे बड़ी प्रेरणा का कार्य कर सकती है|

पागल को कोई पागल कहेगा तो उसे क्रोध आएगा| वो स्वयं में झाँक कर नहीं देखेगा कि क्या वाकई उसके कर्म एक सामान्य जीवन जीने के अनुरूप है या नहीं| उसमें शांत चित्त होकर इस प्रकार की बातें सोचने की क्षमता ही नहीं है| यदि होती तो वो पागल ही क्यों कहलाता| और

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

वज्रपात (प्रेमचंद) - Vajrpat (Premchand)

निम्नलिखित कहानी प्रेमचंद की ही है, इस बारे में अब मैं पूरा आश्वस्त हूँ| इस कहानी को ढूँढने में मेरा जाने कितना वक्त जाया हो गया| पर आखिरकार मिल ही गयी| अब दिल को कुछ सुकून मिला है और लग रहा है कि इतना वक्त यूँ ही बर्बाद नहीं किया| कुछ तो फलसफा मिला|

बहुत पहले ये मैंने किसी कबाड़ में पड़ी मिली एक किताब में पढ़ी थी| होगी कोई 40-50 साल पुरानी किताब| शायद मेरे नाना की थी| मुझे अपने मामा के किताबों के पुराने store में मिली थी| दीमक लगभग आधी से ज्यादा किताब को खा चुकी थी| पर ये कहानी मेरे पल्ले पड़ गयी|

फिर कुछ वक्त बाद वो किताब कहीं खो गयी मुझसे| मैं करीबन डेढ़-दो साल से इस कहानी को खोजता रहा| प्रेमचंद की जाने कितनी ही किताबें छान डाली| पर नहीं मिली| दो साल से net पर भी ढूंढ रहा हूँ| और असफलता हाथ लगी| Yahoo!! answers पर मैंने ये प्रश्न डाला कि यदि किसी को पता हो तो बता दो इस कहानी का कोई स्रोत| पर जाहिल गंवार लोग वही Wiki के links देकर हवाला देते कि वज्रपात नाम से कोई कहानी कभी प्रेमचंद ने लिखी ही नहीं| अरे मूर्खों, अगर ये इतनी आसानी से Wiki पर मिल जाती तो मैं खुद ना ढूंढ लेता? खैर, आधी से ज्यादा दुनिया के लिए ऐसी कोई कहानी शायद कभी हुयी ही नहीं|

आखिरकार, कर मुझे ये कहानी मिल गयी| और इसे अब मैं यहाँ upload कर रहा हूँ ताकि मेरी तरह अगर कोई और भी इस कहानी को ढूंढ रहा हो कम से कम अब सीधा Google ही उसे मेरे blog तक पँहुचा दे :) कहानी निम्नलिखित है|

वज्रपात (कहानी) - प्रेमचंद द्वारा लिखित|

दिल्ली की गलियाँ दिल्ली-निवासियों के रुधिर से प्लावित हो रही हैं। नादिरशाह की सेना ने सारे नगर में आतंक जमा रखा है। जो कोई सामने आ जाता है, उसे उनकी तलवार से घाट उतरना पड़ता है। नादिरशाह का प्रचंड क्रोध किसी भाँति शांत ही नहीं होता। रक्त की वर्षा भी उसके कोप की आग को बुझा नहीं सकती।