Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mu Sigma - Review 2


DAY 1:  Reached Bangalore Railway station via Rajdhani Express from Delhi early morning at 7AM on Aug 1, 2012. It was Wednesday. Next day was my joining. I came out of the station and asked for an auto for Kundalhalli. He asked me Rs. 750. It was horrible. I opened bag, took out my specs and wore them. Just across the road, there was a bus stand. I crossed the road and reached bus station. I tried asking for Kundalhalli from every other person but neither they understand English nor Hindi. And I know no other language. So I decided to say "Kundalhalli, Kundalhalli" only. This word won't change even if spoken in Kannada. Few people tried to help me. But it was something like ನನಗೆ ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ. How would you interpret it?
Luckily a bus-conductor told me to go on stand-number 17. There I got the bus and reached Kundalhalli gate in Rs. 15 only. I reached the destination and made my entries in register as per instructions by a Nepali cook who was already there waiting for me. It was a grand 3 BHK flat at 6th floor in an apartment. Facilities were ultimate.  Scene was beautiful. We had Wi-Fi internet provided at company cost. There were already 4 more guys who were to stay with me (2 from Hewlett-Packard and 2 from Mu-Sigma). I was the third Mu-Sigman to enter the flat and there was one more to come just 5 minutes behind me, coming in the same train as mine, but later on, in auto paying the amount written above.
I enjoyed that day. I called home being my SIM still in roaming. Used internet (I put torrents) and slept under AC at a temperature of 16 degrees.

DAY 2 & DAY 3 : Tan-Tana. The joining day. I woke up at 8:30. Joining was at 9:30. Reached in time. We were given the time-table for the entire month. And then they told us the real facts about money. The first hike in money was not after 1 year. It was after 1.5 years. I joined on Aug 2, 2012. So on August 2, 2013, I will get a bonus of 75 thousand, true. BUT the monthly salary will be as usual, for another 6 months. My monthly salary will rise only after Feb 2, 2014. It is something like the image given here.
Mu Sigma salary structure (Time in years, Salary in INR)
(Salary includes PF, variable performance bonus etc
which is not credited to your account on monthly basis.)
Here, the gift boxes are Stay Bonus. A small gift means, stay bonus of INR 75,000 and a large box means a bonus of INR 1,50,000. (This image is not provided by Mu-Sigma. I made it). Mu Sigma tells you this money in terms of annual pay and talk in terms of numbers. Looking at numbers don't help you much getting the insight of what actually you will get after the end of month. Moreover, they have devided it in such a fashion that you don't even get the money which I have shown in this graph. After subtracting all PF, performance bonus etc, eventually you get INR 23,700 only at the end of the month (if you are not absent for any day).

Both days, we were busy scanning our educational documents and mailing them to MSU (Mu-Sigma University) email. We has lecture sessions also regarding various things, which included no studies but other important things like
1) How to save your tax
2) How many holidays you get (well, you get 16 casual holidays and 6 sick-leaves in 1 year, that also divided on quarterly basis as 2-2-1-1. So, no continuous 6 holidays.)
3) What is the organisation of the company
4) Getting new laptops (means, now you are screwed. You need to work)
5) Getting company I-Cards
6) Visiting the company's new location where I was supposed to work after the training in MSU is over (that location is known as ITPL. MSU is at KTPL)
7) Opening bank accounts in HDFC
Both days, I went home at 9:30PM

DAY 4 ONWARD : Now MSU starts training you in various subjects. Daily, in-time was 9:30AM sharp and out-time was a variable ranging between 6:00PM to 9:00 PM. After 26 days of rigorous training, exams were to be held in 4 different subjects
1) MS-Excel
2) R
3) SQL
4) Statistics
I knew a lot about Excelby self experience (I learnt it when I made huge data about placements of college being the PR of computers in college). SQL was in my syllabus of Computer engineering (ironically, that's why I didn't know SQL so much. But I was better than those like my new friend from IIT, Madras-Civil Engineering). Statistics was only "Prabability from M-3". (If you are from Pune University, you know what M-3 means).
The only new thing was 'R'. It was to be run in 'R-Studio' and it was a horrible subject. If you get into Mu-Sigma, please study this subject with full concentration. Earlier, Mu-Sigma used to work on SAS. Recently they have switched to R. So, most of Mu-Sigma employees are trained in SAS only. These two things cumulatively make the soul of Mu-Sigma.

DAY 29 & 30 (EXAM TIME) : On August 29, we had exam of Excel and R. I scored full in Excel and Zero in R. If you fail (like I failed in R), you get another chance next month :). Today is August 30, and I had exam of SQL and Statistics. Most probably, I passed both of them. Result is yet to come.

NOW WHAT : Tomorrow is the last working day of the month. So, I will get my first salary. We were allotted projects in the mid of month long back and mentors were assigned. I (along with my team of 5) got a project of 'Cardinal Health' - Rank 17 among Fortune 500 companies. We used to have mentor-meetings at regular intervals and proceed with the project step-by-step. Next 3-4 days are specially allotted for project work. We have to finish it by September 6. After that, I (with other 60 from my batch) will be transferred to ITPL office and according to schedule - it be the beginning of 'Life in Delivery'. Although, MSU was supposed to be of just one month. We were recently told that is has been extended to another 5 weeks. We will have to learn Java and VB in that period (MSU keeps changing their policies over time). Being a BE from Computer Science, Java and VB are nothing for me. So, all I am going to study for the next month is 'R'.

FINAL OPINION: Mu-Sigma is a great place to work. You will make good friends. Company is composed of only young minds full of talent. If you are a part of it, it is a privilege. But it makes you work a lot. Payment is not as much as much you work. Life is as hell in Mu-Sigma with no money. But it is just like the days when you used to prepare for IIT-JEE. It is pain, but it is useful for future. Mu-Sigma experience for just 1 year is also in huge demand. Even if you leave the company in just 6 months, you will have better offers from many other companies. Nothing is better than Mu-Sigma to start you career as BA. But staying for long is almost impossible. It gives you an experience like Pre-MBA which no other company can provide. There are both pros and cons. Choice is yours.


  1. Hey,
    this is a very useful review. I will be joining musigma in fall 2013, can you please tell me how i can get acquainted with R so that it is not a big problem for me when i get there. thanks

  2. There s no bond ah

  3. @Eeshpaul just go to r studio web site,u will find free tutorials there

  4. @Eeshpaul just go to r studio web site,u will find free tutorials there

  5. Great review! Can you write one more detailing the day-to-day Mu Sigma activities ? Like when you reach in the morning , what do you do? How does the assignment come to you? How do you actually do the analysis? How do you make the reports? What's the work-cycle like over 1 day / 1 week / 1 month
    - Akash

    1. I will put up a post over this topic too in no time.

    2. Hi....It's your nice help to all job seekers..........I wanted u 2 ask that which option is better:1.Either First I should Do MBA(from IIM) b4 joining MU Sigma,or2. it will be better to think of MBA after a good work experence@MU Sigma...?.& does MU SIGMA Has any bond ............?..Currently I am 3rd year student planning 4 MU SIGMA.

  6. hey can my mom accompany me...i mean can she stay in the flat that the company provides for the first 14 days

    1. I guess NO. Company will be paying for only your stay. You need to make your own personal arrangements for family members. But still, try to catch up with the HR team. They might tell you better.

  7. Awesome bro, ur my junior by 1 month. Great job :)

  8. Still in the Mu Sigma?? if yes which team??

    1. No, I am no more in Mu Sigma.

    2. My son got campus placement in mu sigma. Can he, after joining mu sigma, will have some time to prepare for civils.

  9. Loved this blogpost! I too am from Delhi :) So I would love to know more from you.

    I am not gonna pay 750 to the auto driver. One thing I really wish to know is that, why Mu Sigma experience holds so much value over others. And where have you switched to? Which college you were in? :)

  10. r weekends off??

    1. Found this detailed review, really scary:

    2. Hey what do you have to say about this

    3. Yup.. Theoretically you get off. Practically, it is rare in training periods, mild after joining, and none at all if you are dedicated to your job.


    5. On weekends only sundays are off or both Saturday and sundays. And I am an Mechanical Engg. would it be too hard for me to adjust in this company???

  11. in which company u r in?? i want to know switching options ?


    1. Depends on your interest of field. What profile is Wipro providing? Money doesn't matter. In the long run, when one needs to make career, a difference of even 10K per month wont matter. Don't go for money. Go for reputation and interest in profile.

  13. Well, right now I am self dependent. I am in Delhi. I have my own institution and I teach Physics for competitive exams like JEE. I also have an employer where I am the HOD for their Physics department. (Proud to say, I am the youngest HOD over there, others being over 35-40yrs and me being 22 :D )

  14. why did u leave the company?Currently i am planning to attend an off-campus recruitment conducted by the company.

  15. check this review! Gosh!

  16. thnx dude u rock !!!!man thnx for every detail especially for that bus route...

  17. Sir,what happens if you are unable to pass thier exams?

  18. Hello..nice post.can u plz tell me do we have to sign a bond after recruitment mu sigma??if yes,wat is the amount we have to pay on leaving d company?

  19. Hey, I heard the salary is 18 lakhs over a period of 3 years. So going by that I'd say the hikes are very good if you decide to stick around, don't you agree?

  20. hey i currently have offer from tech mahindra as a software engineer associate as well as from mu digma as a decision scientist i am btech from information technology branch which compny should i opt for???

  21. i have no programming skills what do i do??

  22. hi Nitin, i heard that Mu Sigma pays you 18lakhs over a period of 3 years including the bond. What happens if we switch prior to completion of this period, like you did?...I am to appear in its recruitment procedure but pretty much confused cz of this bond thing... any help from your side is highly appreciated!

    1. No bond at all when we were recruited.. Don't know about current statements..

  23. Hey I have offers from two analytics companies, musigma and affine analytics, Which one should i opt for? I mean the cash is hand is more in affine but mu sigma offers better prospects in terms of brand whereas affine analytics is a new company. Another prospect about this is actual exposure to live projects in mu sigma happens very late as compared to other companies, so you get practical learning experience and not just another college like training. Can you suggest which one should I join?

  24. hey, can you name a few companies to where you can shift after an year.

  25. Can you tell me what laptops did they provide.
    Do they provide laptops to all the recruits???

  26. So they provide laptops to all new recruits? I wanted to ask that should I carry my own laptop (I need to buy if I am to carry one) or the one they provide will suffice for personal work? And you get to keep the laptop even after leaving the company?

    1. While leaving company, you need to deposit it. And You should have your own laptop for leisure. Company laptops are so well protected, you can't even install VLC or Mozilla etc on it. Using IE only is a must. You can't even copy songs etc on them. And nearly difficult to get it connected to internet outside the company.

  27. what are the potential offers that u get wen u r plannin to quit mu sigma afte an year or so? what are the other companies that we can get into?

  28. Nowadays no training is given to new Entrants by MSU.They let them like cows grazing on the field. Mentors and managers are horrible to tolerate, no knowledge.No focused training, Hire-ups only enjoying at the cost of young graduates.
    It is better not join this company if you have other alternative.

    1. And what about working hours? and How much u will get in hand?

    2. What about weekends?? we have to work on weekends also?

    3. Working hours is 14-16 hrs, in a day. Even at the weekends , people are called by managers because they have no jobs at all in domestic front.only doing the public show through media , inside it is totally hollow.
      Salary structure is totally fishy, take home pay in first year is 23000/Rs per month , hardly managing the Bangalore life.Young graduates are treated like slaves.

  29. Above comment is absolutely right. I quit quite recently. Couldn't take it any more. Initially, I got to do exciting and interesting work, but then, things took a turn for the worse. There is no system to match an employee's strengths or interests to an appropriate team. To get promoted or even get considered for leadership positions, one must first buy into the "Mu Mojo", which is basically a boatload of crappy ideas, then start spewing those ideas to other employees (read preach fanatically). Looking back, the '18 lakhs in 3 years' promise that was made to me was a total scam. The 'new salary structure' is plain bullshit. Also, be prepared for changes in "company policy" at ANY time. Don't fall into the Mu Trap! Maybe things were still all right when I joined... But right now, all I would say to those aspiring to join the company is, DON'T!

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